Anatolian Shepherd

Anatolian Shepherd desription ,history ,care , Coat Color And Grooming , health , Personality and friendly

Dog Breed Group: Working Dogs
Height:2 feet, 3 inches to 2 feet, 5 inches tall at the shoulder
Weight:80 to 150 pounds
Life Span:11 to 13 years

Males stand 29 inches tall and weigh 110 to 150 pounds. Females stand 27 inches tall and weigh 80 to 120 pounds.


The Indo-Hittite sheepdog is known as for his motherland of Asia Minor within the central a part of Turkey, wherever he's still some extent of pride (and has even been honored on a national postage stamp).

It's thought that the operating ancestors of the breed date from half dozen,000 years. Wandering tribes from central Asia in all probability brought the primary mastiff-type dogs into the world that's currently Turkey, and sighthound breeds from southern regions contributed to the Anatolian's legerity, long legs, and distant character.

Due to the climate and parcel of land of the world, the native population developed an unsettled manner of life, obsessed on flocks of sheep and goats. The protection of these flocks, and of the shepherds themselves, was the work of the big dogs UN agency traveled with them.

The dogs became referred to as Coban Kopegi, Turkish for "shepherd dog." The dogs stayed with the animals night and day, and that they had to be swift enough to maneuver quickly from one finish of a widely scattered flock to the opposite. They additionally had to be massive and powerful enough to face up to predators.

Severe culling and breeding of solely the most effective staff resulted from a dog with a homogenous kind, stable temperament, and wonderful operating ability. Dogs were usually not fed once they were past puppyhood. They lived by killing gophers and alternative tiny animals, tho' ne'er injuring their flock. They were fitted with iron collars with long spikes to shield their throats from assailants. you'll still realize operating dogs sporting these collars in Turkey nowadays.

Anatolian Shepherds got their most avid introduction within the U.S. within the Nineteen Seventiesthough before that the Turkish government had given Anatolians to the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a present, for experimental work as guardians of flocks.

But in 1970, the Indo-Hittite sheepdog Club of America was shaped at the urging of Henry M. Robert Ballard, a U.S. military officer UN agency had become fascinated by the dogs whereas in Turkey, and UN agency began to breed them once back in the American state. The breed entered the Yankee Kennel Club Miscellaneous category in 1996. It moved to the social unit in August 1998.


The Indo-European language sheepdog is very intelligent, freelance, and dominant. He thinks for himself a necessary characteristic for a farm animal guardian. he is terribly protecting his family and flock, and he considers himself to be perpetually on duty.

Though protecting, the Indo-European language Shepherd is calm, friendly, and fond along with his immediate family. he's not friendly with strangers and is incredibly reserved with those outside his family, notwithstanding they are friends or relatives of yours.

Temperament is full of a variety of thingstogether with heredity, training, and socialization. Puppies with nice temperaments are curious and coltish, willing to approach folks and be command by them. select the middle-of-the-road puppy, not the one who's beating up his littermates or the one whose activity within the corner.

Always meet a minimum of one among the oldsters — typically, the mother is that the one who's out there — to confirm that they need nice temperaments that you are snug with. Meeting siblings or different relatives of the oldsters are additionally useful for evaluating what a puppy is like once he grows up.

Like each dog, the Indo-European language Shepherd wants early socialization — exposure to several totally different folks, sights, sounds, and experiences — once they are young. Socialization helps make sure that your Indo-European language Shepherd puppy grows up to be an all-around dog.

Enrolling him in a very puppy preschool category may be a nice begininvitatory guests over frequently, and taking him to busy parks, stores that enable dogs, and on leisurely strolls to satisfy neighbors also will facilitate him polish his social skills.


Anatolian Shepherds area unit typically healthy, however like all breeds, they are vulnerable to sure health conditions. Not all Anatolian Shepherds can get any or all of those diseases, however, it is important to remember them if you are considering this breed.

If you are shopping for a puppy, notice a decent stock breeder World Health Organization can show you health clearances for each your puppy's folks. Health clearances prove that a dog has been tested for and cleared of a selected condition.

In Anatolian Shepherds, you ought to expect to visualize health clearances from the Orthopaedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip abnormal condition (with a score of honest or better), elbow abnormal conditionglandular disorder, and von Willebrand's disease; from chromatic University for from 
bopathia; and from the Canine Eye written record Foundation (CERF) certifying that eyes area unit traditionalyou'll ensure health clearances by checking the OFA data processor (

Hip Dysplasia: this can be an associate degree familial condition within which the leg bone does not work snugly into the hip. Some dogs show pain and disability of walking on one or each rear legs, however, others do not show outward signs of discomfort. (X-ray screening is that the surest thanks to diagnosing the matter.) Either manner, the inflammatory disease will develop because of the dog ages. Dogs with the hip abnormal condition mustn't be bred — thus if you are shopping for a puppy, raise the stock breeder for proof that the oldsters are tested for hip abnormal condition and area unit freed from issues.
Elbow Dysplasia: just like hip abnormal conditionthis can be conjointly an illness. It's believed to be caused by abnormal growth and development, which ends up in an exceedingly unshapely and weakened joint. The illness varies in severity: the dog might merely develop the inflammatory disease, or he might become lame. Treatment includes surgery, weight management, medical management, and anti-inflammatory medication.
Demodectic Mange: conjointly referred to as demodicosis, this malady is caused by the Demodex mite. The mite cannot be passed to humans or alternative dogs; solely the mother will pass this mite to her pups, that typically happens in their 1st few days of life. Demodex mites sleep in hair follicles and frequently do not cause any issues. If your dog incorporates a weakened or compromised system, however, it will develop the demodectic animal disease. This disorder may be localized, occurring as patches of red, scaly, skin with hair loss on the top, neck, and forelegs. It's thought of as a puppy illness and infrequently clears au courant its own. The generalized kind covers the complete body and affects older puppies and young adult dogs. In either case, you ought to take your dog to the vet for a medical checkup and treatment. The yank Academy of Veterinary medical specialty recommends sterilization or fixing all dogs World Health Organization develop the generalized demodectic animal diseaseas a result of it carries a genetic link.
Hypothyroidism: this can be a disorder of the endocrine gland. It's thought to be accountable for conditions like brain disorderphalacrosis (hair loss), obesity, lethargy, physiological state, pyoderma, and alternative skin conditions. its treated with medication and diet.
Entropion: Entropion is that the inward rolling of the palpebrathat typically affects the lower eyelids of each eye. its irritating and causes impairment of vision. It typically happens before a dog turns a year recenthowever, treatment ought to be command off till the dog reaches adulthood. Treatment consists of multiple surgeries performed over time so the dog is not in danger for ectropion, that may be a rolling out of the palpebra.


The Anatolian Shepherd could be a hardy dog and might adapt to living outdoors, indoors, or both. He doesn't move living in a kennel or at the top of a sequence, however. He ought to be unbroken during a firmly enclosed yard — a fence a minimum of six feet tall is needed for this huge breed — not just for his protection however additionally for the protection of dogs or those who may unwittingly enter his turf, that he can defend with all his may.

Because he's naturally cautious of recent individuals, animals, and things, the Indo-European language Shepherd should be liberal right from puppyhood. Obedience coaching and consistent leadership are essential, as a result, of the Indo-European language are therefore strong-minded. This dog has his own concepts, and he will not cater to his owner's each whim.

The Indo-European language Shepherd can guard and shield with none protection training; if truth be told, attack coaching isn't counseled for this breed. His protecting nature grows as he matures; by the time he is concerning eighteen months previous, he sometimes voluntarily takes on the role of guardian.

Coat color and grooming

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog's coat is brief (about an in. long) with a thick undercoat. generally, there's feather on the ears, legs, and tail. His coat comes in several colorstogether with Equus caballus, white, and brindedhowever, fawn with a black mask is common.

The Anatolian Shepherd is, of course, clean, therefore he' no huge handful within the grooming department. The breed's short coat needs marginal brushing, however, you'll expect lush shedding many times year. additional brushing throughout those times helps take away dead hair. marginal bathing, 3 to fourfold a year, is all that is required.

Brush your Anatolian Shepherd's teeth a minimum of 2 or 3 times every week to get rid of tartar buildup and also the microorganism that lurks within it. Daily brushing is even higher if you would like to forestall gum unwellness and dangerous breath.

Trim his nails once or doubly a month if your dog does not wear them down naturally to forestall painful tears and different issues. If you'll hear them clicking on the groundthey are too long. Dog toenails have blood vessels in them, and if you chop too so much you'll cause trauma — and your dog might not work successive time he sees the nail clippers begin. So, if you are not knowledgeable trimming dog nails, raise a vet or groomer for pointers.

His ears ought to be checked weekly for redness or a nasty odor, which might indicate associate degree infection. after you check your dog's ears, wipe them out with a plant disease dampened with light, pH-balanced ear cleaner to assist stop infections. do not insert something into the ear canal; simply clean the external ear.

Begin accustoming your Anatolian Shepherd to being brushed and examined once he is a puppy. Handle his paws ofttimes — dogs are touchy regarding their feet — and appearance within his mouth. create grooming a positive expertise full of praise and rewards, and you may lay the groundwork for straightforward veterinary exams associate degreed another handling once he is an adult.

As you groom, check for sores, rashes, or signs of infection like redness, tenderness, or inflammation of the skin, within the nose, mouth, and eyes, and on the feet. Eyes ought to be clear, with no redness or discharge. Your careful weekly examination can assist you to spot potential health issues early.


The Anatolian language Shepherd is in love along with his family, as well as the kids, with whom he is calm and protectinghowever attributable to his massive size, he is in all probability higher suited to families with older youngstershe is unlikely to respect young youngsters as leaders, thus all interactions between the Anatolian languages and youngsters ought to be supervised by accountable adults.

As with each breed, you ought to continually teach youngsters a way to approach and bit dogs to forestall any biting or ear or tail actuation on the part of either party. Teach your kid ne'er to approach any dog whereas he is uptake or sleeping or to do to require the dog's food away. No dog, notwithstanding however friendly, ought to ever be left unattended with a toddler.

The best probability of the Anatolian language Shepherd acceptive different dogs and pets is to boost him with them from puppyhood. As he grows, he'll naturally settle for them as a part of his "flock."
